Elim AKIf you travel 96 miles east of Nome, you will find Elim. It is on the northwest shore of Norton Bay. It is a section of land that is 2 square miles, in the Cape Nome Recording District of Alaska. It is an area that the Iditarod Sled Dog Race passes through annually.

elim alaskaLocals, of which there are approximately 350 of, have adapted to the harsh environment that also serves as a federal reindeer reserve. The reserve was established in 1911. The Elim Mission Roadhouse is a Covenant mission and school that was founded by Rev. L.E. Ost in 1914. However, this small town did not appear on the U.S. Census until 1920. At the time, it appeared as an unincorporated village. This did not change until 1970.

If you are interested in traveling to Elim, it will take only 11 minutes by air from Nome.